Brilliant Life

Tapping Into Inner Joy





When’s the last time you had a belly laugh so hard you cried.   It’s been awhile for me, but I can vividly recall what had happened when it did, and it was so refreshing to realize that JOY is within and can be tapped with just the right keys.  The belly laugh is a true sign of joy and perhaps happiness.  But did you know that in the midst of really tough trials and circumstances you can have joy that overrides the pit you may be in?     As part of our Divine Design we have all the necessary tools and techniques to tap into our divine inheritance of JOY.

It’s such a bright day today at Brilliant Life by Divine Design© and I can’t wait to meet you and share our community!


I’m looking forward to helping my clients really tap, deeply tap their inner joy through our new community ‘Heart-Sense™ | Joy Circle here at Brilliant Life.  



Feel free to email me at:    info@brilliantlifebydivinedesign    and we’ll be sure to get you full forthcoming details.  Or sign up at the right to keep posted with our ‘Brilliance by Design’ newsletter.



Wishing you a joy-filled day!



 Coachpreneur™ Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design©