Getting it Wrong
Do you ever have the feeling that no matter what you do you’re going to get it wrong, The decision needed, the choice to be made, the action that should be taken–all swirl together on confusion’s doorstep.
Break it down. Is fear driving you to inaction. Is mistrust in making the best decision clouding your thinking. Is anger pushing you to make a hasty move.
Sometimes when emotions collide it’s hard to push through to clarity.
That’s when trust needs to kick in. Trust you’ll make a good decision. Trust God is guiding you. Trust it will all work out. From that point of clarity and peace, make your choice, even if it’s to do nothing.
The choice whether action or inaction can now rest in God’s Hands and confirmed by the inner peace you are feeling.
Peace. What a beautiful rudder which can lead us to the calm waters of clarity and insight.
The issue might rattle and rumble for awhile, but in the end, if we follow the path of peace and trust, we’ll know that the One who holds our life in His Hands is moving us through, carefully and tenderly to right choices.
And in the end if we get it wrong, another level of trust kicks in — what we learn and discern might be invaluable as we move forward. That’s when ‘wrong’ can ultimately be ‘right’.
In the end, trust God and trust YOURSELF.
It’s your journey and it’s your life.