• Brilliant Life

    Resistance Busters

    Learning to overcome our own objections and areas of resistance in moving forward with a dream,  plan or  goal is part of the game.      When you hit resistance, determine your game plan.  Are you going to wait this one out?   Fight, fight, fight?    Cave?   What’s YOUR best game plan when you are obviously up against a wall of resistance?

    Today, as I pondered a point of resistance I am experiencing the phrase floated in – – ‘stand up, sit down, fight, fight, fight’!    I could hear the chant in my mind from my high school cheerleading days as we cheered on the Humboldt High School sports team.   In the quick visual flash accompanying the chant,  I saw the big high school letter ‘H’ superimposed over the mascot image, but the chant when confronted by resistance suddenly became this –



    And then wisdom floated in right behind it.

    The insight came, ‘pull out your resistance busting toolbox.  Aha, I almost forgot about the toolbox.  Resistance sometimes does that to you, playing hide and seek with the techniques, strategies, stop-gap measures  we’ve stored in our unique toolbox.   Nonetheless, we all have, can find, OR create just such a toolbox.   Circumstance by circumstance, as we overcome, get the ‘aha’, get the victory, we learn to store the tool that worked best on the top drawer of the toolbox.

    So today,  I chose two tools by inspiration and began my resistance busting moves.  What are they?   The STARE DOWN and Whoosh! Be Gone!

    The STARE DOWN tool works like this, you turn, face the resistance eyeball-to-eyeball and start the stare down.  Whoever blinks or laughs first wins.   That’s right, wins.  In normal stare downs, you would lose, BUT since resistance doesn’t have a sense of  humor and I DO, this is a no-brainer for me.      Each time it taps me on the shoulder, I turn and initiate the STARE DOWN, with some attending humor.  It’s a simple straightforward tool that I rely on from my toolbox.    Stare it down and break it with a laugh.  Or a blink, if that’s all you can muster.

    The second tool is a swift wave of the hand in obvious dismissal.  Much like swatting a fly.  Quick, easy, effective.  I’ts the Whoosh, Be Gone! tool.   Give a wave of your hand the moment the resistance starts the mental ball rolling in your mind, change the channel with these words and a demonstrative flail of the hand, saying WHOOSH! BE GONE! 

    The takeaway?   Know thyself.  Develop a toolbox that fits your uniqueness.     Keep it mentally, emotionally and spiritually handy and easily accessible. We all need creative and varied strategies for each resistance roadblock encountered.  Resistance presents itself with so many masks:   fear, anger, hurt, anxiety, frustration, hopelessness, unworthiness, procrastination.   It’s not a one-tool-fits-all kind of fix, but there are tools.  And your tools used strategically on the resistance nagging you, cause the breakthrough.

    You may want or need help, guidance and encouragement while creating your toolbox.  Just knowing you need a toolbox however, is a top-shelf tool in and of itself!

    Here are some questions to ponder.    Do YOU have a readily accessible toolbox for resistance busting?   What are they?  Which  tools work best for YOU with the different masks resistance presents to you?

    I’m here today to encourage and help you meet resistance that keeps incessantly ringing your front doorbell, knocking at the back door and keeps you dashing back and forth to answer it’s call.   There are tools to break down and banish resistance, and even turn it to your advantage!
    I’m cheering for you!

    Stand up, sit down, fight fight fight!     –   Coachpreneur™Judyann


    CoachpreneurJudyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design®

     ‘One  divine insight is worth it’s weight in gold!’  – Coachpreneur™ Judyann

    Need help creating  a toolbox that empowers you in overcoming resistance ?    Want strategies to block, bust, disintegrate your resistance masks?   Schedule a complimentary 15-minute Insight Session today.  Go to the contact page, send a quick email and I’ll get you scheduled in just as soon as possible!

    It’s my passion, purpose and divine assignment to creatively mentor, coach and encourage Women of Destiny into their Brilliant Life by Divine Design©



  • Brilliant Life

    Tapping Into Inner Joy





    When’s the last time you had a belly laugh so hard you cried.   It’s been awhile for me, but I can vividly recall what had happened when it did, and it was so refreshing to realize that JOY is within and can be tapped with just the right keys.  The belly laugh is a true sign of joy and perhaps happiness.  But did you know that in the midst of really tough trials and circumstances you can have joy that overrides the pit you may be in?     As part of our Divine Design we have all the necessary tools and techniques to tap into our divine inheritance of JOY.

    It’s such a bright day today at Brilliant Life by Divine Design© and I can’t wait to meet you and share our community!


    I’m looking forward to helping my clients really tap, deeply tap their inner joy through our new community ‘Heart-Sense™ | Joy Circle here at Brilliant Life.  



    Feel free to email me at:    info@brilliantlifebydivinedesign    and we’ll be sure to get you full forthcoming details.  Or sign up at the right to keep posted with our ‘Brilliance by Design’ newsletter.



    Wishing you a joy-filled day!



     Coachpreneur™ Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design©

  • Brilliant Life

    Treasures of Darkness

    There are seasons of intense refinement that can usher in new ways of thinking, acting and believing. In this season, there will be ‘Treasures of Darkness’ that will prove invaluable, irreplaceable and irrevocable, qualifying our very spirit, soul and body for greater measures of success, love and clarity.



    Are you in just such a season?  Here are some keys to walking, standing and sitting during this high season of what may surely feel like life-altering treason against all you’ve accomplished, all you’ve dreamed and all you are working toward.

    Firstly, as the veils come down, the light comes in and the shadows make themselves known, purpose to STAY IN THE PRESENT. Each day will bring revelation and insight, illumination and clarity with each decision that needs to be made, each feeling that needs to be felt and each authentic action that helps to keep the river of change fluidly moving.

    Secondly, acknowledge its difficulty, the absolute rawness of such a season. Perhaps you are facing a job loss, an illness, a life-changing unwanted and unasked for transition, financial distress or major relationship changes. The odds may seem AGAINST you, but as you accept, acknowledge and succumb to the realities and truth of the season, the situation and yourself, you can allow space for God’s Divine Hand to guide you, lead you and provide connections and resources to pull you into newfound action, to provide the necessary insight and knowledge to weather the storm.

    Thirdly, seek help, counsel and resources outside your normal spheres and contacts. I have a sister who sends me unusual but always timely articles and clippings that help springboard new ways of thinking, tips and clues as I follow the path to higher ground. Do you have someone like that in your life? If not, let this be the season to find just such new contacts. They are ALL AROUND YOU. Just look up and be willing to LOOK INTO new ways, new friendships, new resources.

    TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. This is the time to eliminate the excess, simplify, beautify and clarify your thoughts, actions and attitudes. Keep it simple. Ask with each expectation you put on yourself, is this reasonable and wise given my current circumstances? If not, say no — to yourself, to others and to outside agendas. You are in the ‘hopper’ and may be spinning as many plates as you can.

    Allowing the power principles of faith, hope and love to permeate each aspect of your unique situation can serve to quiet the mind, inspire your heart and cause rest for your body.

    And finally, a gentle reminder to ‘journal your journey’…your uniquely gleaned ‘treasures’ will help you remember what price you may have paid, what loss you personally suffered, and yet how the unmistakable hand of God, in goodness and mercy, ushered you through.  Those highlighted gleanings of your unique journey will help fill in the necessary puzzle pieces as you see the tapestry of God’s handiwork in your life.

    May your ‘treasures of darkness’ usher in brilliant new light and life in every way.    May the Spirit of the Living God touch your heart, mind and spirit today with newfound blessings from your season ~~  Blessings.


    Blessings ~~  SPIRITLife  Coachpreneur Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design® 


  • Brilliant Life

    Trail blaze your CONVERGENCE!




    Do you sometimes feel like you are in a season of EVERYTHING happening at once, while on some fronts NOTHING seems to be happening?


    Welcome to the road and world of convergence. As you lean into your daily activities in faith, putting one foot in front of the other, taking one action step at a time, making new decisions as the steps are illumined and made clear your personal trail of CONVERGENCE is being created.


    Here’s the dictionary meaning of converge:

    con·verge (vûrj)

    v. con·verged, con·verg·ing, con·verg·es


    1.   a. To tend toward or approach an intersecting point: lines that converge.

    b. To come together from different directions; meet: The avenues converge at a central square.

    2.    To tend toward or achieve union or a common conclusion or result: In time, our views and our efforts converged.

    3.    In mathematics — To approach a limit



    How might your business world, your relationship world, your personal world be converging in your life, and if so for what purpose? I know personally as I dovetail years of business with years of personal transformation and healing training and equipping, there is a definite point of convergence. And that intersection has been established in my life.


    I know that I am not meant to be solely in a business situation that doesn’t affect or interface with the passion I possess to help others come fully into their God-given promises, their Spirit-awakened choices and their abundance possibilities.     I know what words of insight, words of wisdom, words of encouragement can do.


    And on this brave new forefront of assisting others to manifest their passion, pursue their purpose and uphold their values and integrity, CONVERGENCE has it’s intersection defined and designed for your BRILLIANCE release.


    I have found a few others along my path who resonate with my heart passion and purpose, and it is my pleasure to come alongside those whom I’ve been called to mentor, influence, coach, consult and intercede.

    Need help with your convergence?   I am thrilled to glean insights, use the seer gift of visioning and encourage you with Christ-centered life coaching, Spirit-led insights, words of wisdom, tools and suggested resources.

    I know the value of insights consulting and coaching can be INVALUABLE.     One concept, one idea, one insight can catapult a breakthrough!

    Schedule your Heart Sense | Insights Session to the right. I’ll get back to your promptly and schedule you in.



    SPIRITLife | Insights Coach Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design LLC ®