Oftentimes the shifts we need come at times when we may feel least ready.    Are you in a place of readiness for a shift that may be upon you?

Three quick keys that may help you GET positioned:

  •  Allow yourself to feel the energy of the shifting sands.   Perhaps you aren’t  necessarily allowing yourself to feel good or even okay about certain areas of unpreparedness, unwillingness, resistance or unbelief.   Shift anyway.     Those areas will come into alignment as you allow yourself to FEEL the energy of what is at hand.   The added knowledge, clarified perspective and willingness will align.   Your growth, your personal success always moves YOU when you feel all of the components involved, gain the inner and outer perspective of your situation.


  • Trust the process of SHIFTING.   Whether you are positioning yourself for a new business forefront, preparing to leave an unhealthy relationship, or diving into a new field of study, or embarking on a joyful new venture there are natural occurrences of feelings, thoughts, actions and choices that will flow together as all that you need for the shift falls into place.    Making definitive choices, taking necessary action, affirming your steps – all fall into place as you POSITION and TRUST the shift.


  • Allow it to be easy.  Know that as your goal, intention, direction is ruddered by continuity of purpose, making choices from ‘inner-knowing to outer-action’  there will be an ease and a natural sense of flowing — with, in and through the SHIFT.   You will begin to trust the shift and transition – embracing ALL of the components.

When you begin the shift you can expect some upheaval.  When you move, it upsets the status quo.  Knowing this ahead of time, having the support you need to discuss and help interpret the shift will be a God-send.


Learning to trust God and trust yourself to shift and be positioned becomes a divine place of empowerment.  Learning to  trust others,  those  valued confidantes that are in your circle of influence already may be a valuable asset through the process.  Oftentimes  NEW advisors, mentors and coaches appear exactly at the juncture you need them.  An invaluable asset as you are made ready and positioned to shift!    Purposeful mentors that are ushered in right on queue can come alongside you  through the shift!

Stay positioned.  Stay focused.  Allow the SHIFT!




Coachpreneur™ Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design™









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